End of breastfeeding

Did you know some states don’t regulate massage therapy? Wyoming, Minnesota, California, Kansas, and Vermont are all states that do not require an actual license in order to provide services as a massage therapist. So you can just advertise your services in those states with no education or license. Did you know vitamins are basically unregulated? In fact, in many cases, companies can produce and sell dietary supplements without even notifying the FDA. There are so many things that are not monitored by a governing body, and maybe you prefer it that way.

I just learned that genetic testing is pretty much left up to the companies who do it. No one sets a standard that companies MUST follow when they report what they find. This means the agency that I gave $2k to who called my embryos 40%-80% “abnormal ” are just stating their opinion. I have talked to someone who had their mosaic embryos retested by another agency, and they were called normal, and they are 9 months old now!! It’s a very complicated issue that I had no clue about until now. You can read about it here. https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/who-should-regulate-preimplantation-genetic-diagnosis-united-states/2018-12

What I’m saying is that I was told I have between 1%-5% chance of a live birth with these embryos. Recent studies actually say I have closer to 20% chance and that’s waaaaay more. If they were called normal, I could have about 52% chance (That’s Fox). So we could be looking at twins if we transfer them both, or we could be looking at a miscarriage possibly even a late-term loss. How hard is it to walk through that door of possibility? Of uncertainty? Here is an image I look at daily to encourage myself. Red cells are “normal ” or euploid, and blue cells are “abnormal ” or aneuploid.

I have now listened twice through the Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast episode on “possibility” and have a truly expanded mental ability to perceive possible things. They are discussing the room of requirement in book 5, chapter 18. I’m particularly fascinated by Matt Potts dreaming of what he would do if he won the lottery (which he admits he doesn’t even play) and his realizing that he could do some of those things now because nothing is stopping him. They explore the idea that people know what they need for themselves better than you do, and people can be trusted to determine what is possible for themselves. You can listen to it here. https://open.spotify.com/episode/73w2R1KbivwEeJQA802Zt7?si=IfTuDzx9QjCQXuuDLWknIQ

18 months ago, I gave birth to my tiny offspring, and that morning, I did not comprehend the possibility … indeed the reality that I would make milk for him with my body for 18 months. At 5am-8am-11am-2pm-5pm-8pm-11pm I would tuck a “robot” in my shirt and fill my fridge and freezer with nutritious milk that was collected. We can not fathom so many possibilities that will come to pass in our lifetime. It’s possible that our embryos are capable of life. It is possible that I will have only one child. Now that my breastfeeding experience is coming to a close, I can begin to think about what my body can do next to grow our family. Only action will reveal the answer, and I think we are as ready as we can ever be to face the possible future. I’m just a girl standing at the room (womb?) of requirement, asking it to be a hospitable place for new life. When we open that door we will let you know what we find.